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WWE 2K16 has entered the arena following a disappointing season with last year’s installment, is this game destined for greatness with a road paved for championship glory or another name lost in the shuffle? Somebody ring the damn bell!


It’s no secret WWE 2K15 debuted on next generation consoles with a release that paled in comparison to what came before it, a lot of aspects were missing which included features that fans thought would come as standard. I mean a traditional tornado tag team match isn’t a strenuous demand is it 2K Games?


This year I have decided to go with a last generation version of the game on PlayStation 3, in all honesty it was down to personally curiosity to see how well this system holds up to it’s successors and whether it’s graphical capabilities remain relevant. I would like to lay the first Smackdown by saying the Playstation 3 & Xbox 360 still pack one hell of a punch!


Naturally before delving into WWE 2K16 I was welcomed by an update as well as a mandatory 5GB installation. Once those necessary evils were out the way; it became apparent that this game was most certainly a step up and we the gamers left an impression with 2K when asked for our requests.


It’s important to note the last generation version does not include MyCareer mode or the updated pin & submission mechanics found in the current generation. The latter part some gamers may actually find to be a positive point that I’ll get into further on in the review.


Passing through the curtain we are treated to having the largest WWE roster ever assembled in the series that exceeds 120 characters, a gargantuan selling point when put up against the possibilities that can be imagined through the sandbox Universe mode.


For anyone unfamiliar with WWE Universe mode; this feature allows you to vastly customize your own version of WWE the way you want it and it can self sustain itself by randomly generating storylines/paths and can even simulate an entire season calendar at the press of a few buttons.


Being able to create in WWE games has always been a crucial element; fortunately the creation suite has been updated with a multitude of welcome changes yet leaves long time fans feeling bitter sweet.


Yes they’ve updated options available to build your dream wrestler or diva, but reinstated only a few of the other creation modes previously incorporated and that’s across all platforms. It’s a case where 2K can’t please them all yet it’s a step in the right direction including create a championship and an arena.


Now let’s clothesline the topic of gameplay against the ropes to deliver the great news. WWE 2K16 is arguably one of the smoothest playable WWE wrestling experiences to date that’s reminiscent of 2k14; at first I had my doubts with it’s pacing and before I knew it I was comfortably in tune with the mechanics, which felt, strongly familiar but unexpectedly polished. By no means is 2k16 bug proof, nor does it posses a flawless AI; it is a tough contender in drawing your attention into the on screen drama that unfolds. 2K have also brought back the options to have a quick, normal or epic match, which has refilled a void that was felt when it was absent in 2k15.


Merge those mechanics into the Showcase mode that combines a mixture in fact and speculative fiction that surrounds Stone Cold Steve Austin does spell one hell of a ride. For a Showcase mode I am finding it enjoyable than previous versions, I am somewhat biased as Steve Austin has been an all time favourites.


Reimagining the rivalry between Austin and Vince McMahon is freaking awesome and surprised it’s taking this long to zone the spotlight on this feud into a wrestling game! Purchasing WWE 2K16 is a simulation of whooping the bosses candy ass, well worth a 34.99 price tag here in the UK.


Presentation wise the Playstation 3 holds up confidently with a few tad frame rate jitter issues I found occasionally in the entrances mainly, only a momentary infliction. Graphically everything looks realistic except for a small group of character models that were not facially scanned, some could not be done for obvious reasons. Death can be a real bitch sometimes.


Commentary has also been improved with better responsiveness, and repetition. An improvement craved by gamers for many a moon. This year’s soundtrack feels fresh and I’ve not yet felt the impulse to change the jukebox, give it a month and I’ll probably be fed up of Rebel Yell as it always seems to be playing for me.


Overall WWE 2K16 is by no means a perfect game, it is an absolute blast to play though and most negatives about this game I believe stem from last years release that’s put the series in a state of recovery while tackling the new obstacle of developing for the new consoles.


WWE 2K16 definitely lands a finishing blow that will turn fans heads, yet it doesn’t shatter the glass ceiling or reaches for the brass ring. It’s a powerful contender that’s both competent and comfortable in it’s offerings.

     WWE 2K16                                                                             * * * * *
Daniel Barker
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