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It’s been a while since I’ve last had a chance to play through the Tales of the Borderlands; the last chapter left itself on a gripping cliff hanger which had a lot of fans guessing what the consequence would be, with that said personally I found the outcome to be quite satisfying. Episode 3 really comes into its own here opening up more character development then the previous episodes with Handsome Jack’s character becoming a lot of central to the story hilarity ensues.


As per the Borderlands’ tradition episode 3 continues the traditional humour that you’ve come to expect, a lot of dismemberment and other forms of senseless violence are all here and depending on how you feel about somewhat crude humour you’ll enjoy a lot or won’t as is the running theme. Admittedly in an attempt not to spoil the episodes content it’s difficult to put into words what I enjoyed and what I didn’t enjoy etcetera, I will say the ending as much of the internet has been discussing is quite an interesting turn that will leave you wanting more, it definitely feels as if the game is one TellTale’s best in terms of keeping to the games roots and nuance.


I’m still enjoying my journey throughout Telltale’s Borderlands universe, while I initially had some reservations enjoying a borderlands game without senseless mass murder of thousands of bandits and psychos, I’ve come to really enjoy the game for what it is, which is a very dialogue heavy game which emphasises story over everything else, the story has moved in exciting direction while retaining the franchise’s charms, one way it does is the return of familiar faces, which as a long-time fan of the series is really happy to see, with the TellTale game taking place after the events of the Borderlands 2 it’s nice to see a degree of closure to characters after the story is finished.


The only negatives I can find within the game are the persistence frame drops in-between choices and freezing which has been a constant issue with the game since episode 1, I hope at some point these issues are resolved with a patch in future maybe? That said it’s not a game breaking issue, more so a persistence annoyance.


In conclusion I’m continuing to enjoy the Tales from the Borderlands, the story still remains strong with the return of familiar faces and the introduction of new ones, the episode ends on a strong cliff hanger that will have a lot of people second guessing, the teaser of the next episode appears to heighten the ante significantly and will be definitely checking out upon release. The issues that seemed to have plagued the series appear to be affecting the console version, I don’t know how much these issues affect the other platforms (this review was done using the Xbox One version) my final score for Tales of the Borderlands Episode 3 is 4/5, still a good series that I urged fans of the series to check out, I also urge people to check out the other reviews for the other 2 episodes for further context on the series.

   Tales of the Borderlands Episode 3 (Spoiler free)   * * * * *
Nathan Kong
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