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After a very nervous start to Mortal Kombat X on PC, featuring a few days tinkering with the settings and a few patches, things seem to of worked themselves out. I would like to apologise for the lateness for this review but I didn't want to review, well, to be honest: a broken, unplayable mess of a game!


Where do we start here? I would say we start with the best feature from the MK reboot a few years ago and this was the story mode with outstanding cut scenes right into a fight with no loading times! Not only was this a great feature to have but the story itself was arguably the best story in a fighting game ever made. Unfortunately, MKX’s story is not quite as snappy as the reboot but this might have more to do with that game retelling the MK story of 1-3. On the other hand, it was an amazing retelling of what happened and changed enough to make things feel fresh.


The fighting feels very solid and each character has real weight to them, adding more to each gut-wrenching punch you rain down on your opponent. The reason why it’s taken me this long to get this review written up is that for the first few days after downloading, I would get to around act 3 in the story and the game would freeze up and crash. Then there were the hiccups with the frame rate and that shop menu right at the start as the game loads up, which feels to ‘in your face’ after you spend £45 on the game. For a Triple A game with such a big developer behind it, these issues should have been finished before release.


Anyway, back to the game. If anyone has played MK before then you will feel instantly at home here as it all feels just as it was and feels like a luxury pair of leather gloves being slipped back on. The main difference that is interactive scenery, an addition that first implemented in the DC superhero fighter Injustice: Gods Among US. In this new game, some of these are fun to do, like chucking an old woman at your opponent during a fight always makes me laugh.


Back to the story, while it is great to see all the characters you know and love, all 20 years older and seeing who had kids with who, is all great. But I guess it’s the same as when Street Fighter tried with 3 we all just wanted to use the characters we all know and love. But some of these are great and I feel that Cassie Cage has been given the best Fatality in the game with a truly shocking selfie. I feel that in this game, the Fatality has been hyped up way beyond what has gone before. I'm not squeamish and some here are great, but a handful are just boring and lack the flair of the MK reboot.


But as these are just finishes of a fight and when the fighting feels this tight and deep I can forgive this as almost all characters have at least one good/funny fatality as a taunt to the opponent that you have just defeated. I'm not really going to go into all the dlc/additional downloads as these things need another few weeks/months to work themselves out. I will say that I am very disappointed that Warner would want to upset so many of its fans by asking NetherRealm to include so many cheap and tacky ways to try and get some money from the players.


Well, after what seems like more a rant than a review, I can easily say that this does stand tall as one of the best games released so far this year, the game looks amazing and plays great but it's just behind one of the best fighters ever made and that is Mortal Kombat (reboot) but I would say that Killer Instinct has just been beat as the best fighting game on the so called next get consoles. So now it's over to Sony/Capcom to see how Street Fighter 5 turns out?

   Mortal Kombat X                               * * * * *

David Cameron

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David Cameron

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