1st. To get the ball rolling why don’t you introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself?
I am Ken Patterson, President of Big John Games. I started this studio in 1991. We did a lot development work for Disney, Activision, GT Interactive, THQ, and others for 15 years. In 2006 we built out first console game for the XBOX “Trophy Bass 2007” published by Vivendi, and in 2008 we created Spitfire Heroes and Plushees for the Nintendo DS published by Destineer.
Since 2010 we have been building games for the Nintendo download services.
2. Your company seems to have quite a diverse library of games under their belt, what was the most interesting to create?
Thorium Wars as a major game for us to create on the DS. Coaster Creator 3D and Big Bass Arcade were also fun to create and play games.
3. How many guys do you have working with you?
There are 10 of us.
4. Is there any particular reason that you chose to develop for Nintendo
At first it was the success of the DS. We wanted to put our games on that very successful device. When Nintendo put in the digital distribution systems, we really liked what they put together as far as a platform for creating and selling games.
We have a lot of creative control and Nintendo has been very supportive.
5. What are your thoughts on the next gen consoles?
The next gen consoles are cool, but what excites me the most is the next gen games. I want to see how far the industry will push the game experience envelope. Give us some killer, awesome, never seen before, experiences. Please don’t just give us higher definition graphics of current gen games.
6. Which of the next gen consoles would you prefer to develop for and why?
We are Wii U developers, so for sure we will be getting games on that device. Sony looks like it is opening up to indies so that would be our next platform. Microsoft, is very restrictive towards indie companies like ours so we will keep away until they are more indie friendly.
7. What was the standout game for you at E3?
Mario Kart 8 Wii U, I am a big fan, and Sony’s Knack are what I am most interested in.
8. If you could work on any game franchise you wanted which would it be and why?
I love the game “The Neverhood” Doug TenNapel and his team are awesome. I’d love to bring that IP to the 3DS and Wii U. I would love to turn a Nintendo audience onto to that game.
I was the lead developer on game called “Nightmare Ned” for Disney, that is another game that would rock on the 3DS and Wii U. Hey Disney, can I put that game on the Wii U ?
9. Have you got any advice for aspiring game devs?
Make sure you build something that can be played. Don’t talk about games, make one, no matter how small or simple. You will learn a ton building your own game. Then you will have something to show potential employers or investors.
10. While looking on your sight I noticed that “Thorium wars” seems to stand out, what can you tell us about it?
Thorium Wars was developed as a retail game, but the bottom fell out of the retail DS game market so we published it ourselves. The lead developer / designer Matt Heinzen was allowed to have some time to build a great and grand scope game.
There is a good chance you will see some new Thorium Wars in the near future.
11. Is there anything you can tell us about current projects you guys are working on?
We have a clever action puzzle game using the Coaster Creator 3D physics system. You guide marbles on a track to the goal, you will need to add in prop’s that help get the marble to its goal. Something similar the old game Mouse Trap.
We have a side scrolling shooter on the drawing board, and I would love to make an updated shump game based on Galga game play.
12. Where did you come up with the name “Big John games?”
My father’s name is John. He hangs out at the studio and many of our friends and partners refer to him as “Big John”. Since he is a figure head to people that know us, we decided that it is a cool name for our studio. So it’s in honour of my father.
13. Are you aware of the potential innuendo from your sign “BJG”?
Not really. It’s named after my dad, not my Johnson. J
14. Do you watch NHL? And if so do you support the Minnesota Wilds?
I was more of a North Star fan, when they moved to Dallas I lost interest in pro hockey. My son played youth hockey and we got know a lot of good hockey players that grew up or live in the area. I am Twins fan, which has been painful that past few years. I love baseball…..
15. Being from Minnesota (A very close neighbour to Canada) it must be cold, if so why in your team photo on your site are some of you wearing shorts!?!!?!
It get’s hot in Minnesota June to August. We wear shorts and other comfortable clothes at the studio. I only wear a tie to weddings or funerals.
I have a rule “You can never trust a person that has to wear a tie on Sunday”.
We also have a basketball court setup outside of the studio so we can get some exercise. Wearing shorts is an big advantage on the court. We have some very competitive games of "HORSE".
16. Final question. This one is of the highest importance. Do you listen to the oneupgaming.co.uk podcast? And if not WHY????!!!
I will start listening. Make sure you make it interesting. J
Thank you for your time and in advance if I’m wrong about the positioning of Minnesota please forgive me, Geography isn’t my strong suit.
Interview with Ken Patterson, President of
Big John Games
Nathan Kong
Ken Patterson,
President of Big John Games
Matt Tech Lead
Ryan Developer
Andrew, Ajani Art
Evan QA