No 10
Halo MCC
Despite all the bugs (for which Microsoft should be ashamed), how can you NOT rate Halo MCC? Four of the finest console FPS games ever released, looking AND sounding better than ever. If you have an Xbox One and don’t have this, it would be like calling yourself a Christian but not owning a copy of the Bible!
No 9
Infamous: Second Son
At the start of the year when a lot of PS4 owners were waiting for something to play, Sony brought out this game. It looks lovely, plays remarkably well (a few camera issues) and has a really fun main protagonist! Superb voice over work. Also with a superb photo mode, helped to cement the idea of the gaming selfie.
No 8
Ok, so perhaps it didn’t live upto the hype. Looking back perhaps it wasn’t even clear as to what the game should be. One thing it wasn’t, was a game with a gripping, huge narrative. What it was though was an addictive levelling up machine, a Diablo FPS, with the amazing AI and shooting mechanics expected of a Bungie shooter. Whatever you thought you were going to play, one thing you left with having played it was that you had been part of some major experience.
No 7
Sunset Overdrive
Microsoft in recent months have had a lot of stick. However, they are slowly but surely investing a lot of time and money into some great first party games. One of their games was a new IP called Sunset Overdrive. It’s a LOT of fun to play. A third person shooter meets Tony Hawk and Dead Rising….
No 6
Super Smash Bros: 3DS and WiiU versions
Possibly the best ever version of the franchise? The best, crazy, multiplayer brawler ever? It looks great (even on the 3DS), sounds great and generally IS great.
No 5
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
At first many thought it would be an Assassin’s Creed rip off. Same game, new setting etc. In reality Unity ended up becoming the game with that title and SoM became an exciting new IP. The world is dynamic and has a real sense of cause and consequence within it. Should you play it? Hell yes.
No 4
Alien Isolation
A superb game. We started playing it – need to finish it. The quality though is there from the start. There have been many Alien games, and Alien inspired games, but this is possibly the only one to go out of it’s way to capture the feel, but also style of theatre experienced by the audience from the FIRST movie.
No 3
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Surprised to see this here? Sure it’s become fashionable to knock COD – not least because until COD: AW it was right to criticise it. However as with MarioKart 8, in a year of half finished releases, COD get’s it right. Decent Single player campaign? Yup. Accessible and FUN multi-player? Hooorah!
No 2
Mario Kart 8
In a year where lots of triple A game releases were buggy, unplayable or just disappointing, it’s reassuring to see Nintendo create a near perfect piece of software. Built for the WiiU, it looks amazing, plays better than any prior version in the series and actually works. Such a rare thing in 2014. Pure fun, as gaming should be.
No 1
GTA5 next gen edition
GTA5 is an amazing piece of art and tech. With the new consoles out, Rockstar have used 2014 to redefine the game and make the most of the power of the PS4 and Xbox One. The PS4 version really shines, with a countryside which feels truly organic. The story is the same, which is fine, as like a good episode of the West Wing, I can watch it again and again. Simply outstanding.
Gioteck's Games of the Year 2014
Steven Gurevitz is the Community Manager at Gioteck, one of the leading gaming accessory firms. They have a range of headsets, controllers, chargers cables AND gaming chairs for PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PS3 along with PC. You can follow them @GioteckArmy or via their facebook (https://www.facebook.com/officialgioteck). For more details go to www.gioteck.com