Reviewing and writing about video games of all genres and ages has become my sole livelihood of late. Whether triple A titles that cost millions and require teams in the hundreds, all the way down to Indie projects that are funded by people been generous with a barely surviving skeleton crew that lives day to day on fast food, I've seen some awesome things.
But, until now, I've never struggled to write about a game. Words form with ease, I think of ways to make the review flow and this was the norm, and now, my stride has been stunted. I've been properly stumped to write about Game Guru, the easy game maker, because it's not actually a game at all.
It's a, very, early access 3D games development kit that allows players with no prior knowledge of coding, programming or game design to mess around with structures and generate entire worlds in minutes.
Hence why I've been failing to grasp the right words for a cohesive review, because, as I said, it's not even a game technically. It looks like a game, plays like a game once you set it going but you have to do that yourself.
Game Guru is centred around being easy to use for everyone, to this end the developers and the community have really come together to try to make it accessible and not off-putting even for the greenest among us.
Tutorials fill all parts of YouTube, thousands of help threads reside on Steam and the game is ever evolving. The updates pour in every week or so, some are bigger than others. One update can change the textures while another can add items.
The best way I can describe this bundle of wonder is as if someone took the concept for Minecraft, slapped it into the Unity engine and then mixed in the general lunacy that is the steam modding community.
You get the standard packs with the game, which include the power to create Counter Strike-esque maps or RPG style adventure games that are brimming with personality, and then there's the steam workshop, which is a different ball game entirely.
It really is brilliant to play around with once you get comfortable with placing objects, arranging the landscape, changing the textures, setting the mode and generally micro managing everything to an incredible degree.
Seriously, you get control over everything, it's similar to the Far Cry editor except on a much grander scale. Because in Far Cry you create maps just for that game, with a mode and a point, but in Game Guru you can build without ever needing a point.
That's the whole fun of it too. You can experiment and afford to do stupid things that don't always work or function properly because you can get better at fabricating your own visions of worlds or maps. Also, building three churches on top of each other with a moat and drawbridge is surprisingly fun to do.
Since there's a whole active, vibrant hub around this game too, you probably won't be short on helping hands if you get stuck. Everyone is out to help everyone because the multiplayer modes are incredibly fun with others too, not only can you get lost within your own little worlds, you get lost in someone else's as well.
I really want to see where this game goes in the future, because right now it's just starting out, testing the waters and seeing what it can do with heavy support. I want to see them flex their engine when they've got some real notoriety.
In summation however, away from the prospects for next year, Game Guru is a lovely addition to the 'D.I.Y' genre of gaming that seems to have sprouted up over the past few years and is suffering only from its masses of content, but not from the usual issues that most Indie games fall prey to during their first year.
Game Guru * * * * *
Matt Dawson